Let me tell you the story...

This is the story of our newest Son, Luke Yohannes Vondra. We're so honored that you'd find this story interesting enough to come to this blog. Please read the blogs in the Blog Archive to the right. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, November 5, 2012












Well...we have another teenager in the house, WOW!  Luke is acclimating to being a part of the Vondra family quite nicely.  Now he's teasing his siblings, he can be indifferent, obstinate, obnoxious, and argumentative!  And guess what?  He's like everyone of our other children.  We have a place for him in our home and in our hearts.  This kid is no dummy, he's very intuitive, smart, inciteful and intellgent!  We love having him around, pain in the butt and all! 

Let's run through some of the things that Luke has been up to or through!

LIKE A BAT OUT OF HELL - Sorry for the course language but this guy on a bike- watch out!  Luke didn't ride a lot of bikes in his former life, and man does it show!  Luke knows he's dangerous on a bike and he's not much better on a four-wheeler.  We'll shoot for him to actually get his drivers license at about 21 years old! 

SOCCER IS OVER - Luke did great, but he didn't have enought games to get any real "mo--jo" going.  Luke did make MAGIC CITY SOCCER for the spring.  He made the U14 White team, which is the better of the two teams.   In the orphage system in Ethiopia, they played their soccer on concrete in a small courtyard and they didn't have the opportunity to do the open-field running so Luke has to get his lungs". 

ON TO BASKETBALL! Luke is now playing basketball at Trinity Lutheran School. He never played basketball till Jake and Mike started working with him in our culdesac. Luke is so athletic that he's already trying to accomplish a level of proficiency that will help his team.

SPLIT PEA SOUP - Luke DOES NOT like split pea soup!  And he didn't even know that the chunks of meat are not chicken. (ham... With 35% of Ethiopia being Muslim, not a lot of ham in Ethiopia)  Well it was a bad day for Luke and I.  He did not want to eat that soup, not ONE bite!  And...he didn't! 

WORSHIP MUSIC - Before we left Ethiopia, we bought about 10-15 cd's and dvd's and man does luke dig his worship music.  It's fun to listen to him singing out his amharic worship music.  Luke loves the Lord and talks about either being a pastor or professional soccer play when he grows up. 

SCHOOL IS HARD  We're in an acedemic marathon, we're way behind, but we're definitely gaining ground!  Luke is working so hard, we're very proud of him. 

TRICK OR TREAT - And what a treat! It's a little childish and Luke said he doesn't want to do it next year but for one year, Luke wanted to do Holloween!  His costume was spectacular, and he's a cute girl!  Notice his big brother, the Allen boys and Jacob who were REAL troopers for doing this with luke!

SNOW & DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!  In early October, Luke had his first opportunity with snow!  Last weekend we were hunting antelope and we stopped by a snow bank for he and Jake to mix it up with, what might be his first "snow-ball fight"!  As for the concept of daylight savings, Ethiopia is close enough to the equator, this was a VERY foreign concept.  The turning dark at 5pm, also very hard to understand. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the ongoing process of Luke becoming ,growing, learning and just GROWING.
    I admire his tenacity,honesty and perseverance.
    It is truly a privilege and honor to teach and learn along with him daily.
    His progress is step-by step- and measurable.I am proud of him.
