Wow! The Gym!
Luke had no homework today so I (Jolee) decided it was time to show him "Granite", the place where we have a membership and regularly go to work out. From the minute we walked in, Luke was mesmerized by the place. He kept saying "WOW" and "Gosh". Also, "Can I come here, mom? Do I have to pay money everytime?" As we began our tour of the place, he rooted himself to the floor at each stop and wanted to stay there and do everything in that section. He had no idea that such places existed! First there was the illiptical machines, treadmills, stairmasters, and stationary bikes (all with their own TV's)! He just stopped and stared! I had to practically push him to continue the tour. Next were the weight machines and free weights...Oh my gosh!! Sheer JOY on his face to know that this was a place he could come to and work out so as to get big and strong. (He has mentioned several times that he wants a 6-pack. What 13 year old doesnt??) Again, he was rooted to the ground watching some of the men lifting weights. Then he had to try several machines himself. He loved it! Again, I had a hard time getting him to move on to the next part of the tour... the swimming pool and hot tub. When I opened the door and he entered the pool area, he immediately asked if he could "swimming right now." I said no because we did not have our swimsuits to which he replied that he could just swim in his underwear! To make a long story short, we ended up coming home, grabbing our suits and returning to the pool for a very FUN one and a half hour swimming extravaganza! It was an experience with Luke that I will never forget and treasure always.
Since this is my (Jolee) first time writing on the blog, I just want to add a few more comments. This month home with Luke has been amazing! Every afternoon I pick him up from school at about 12 and we come home! From home, while everyone else is still at school, we have Mom and Luke time! We play and then do some homeschooling! It is a great joy of my life getting to be a mom to my boy. The times I have with him are dear to my heart! Although I do love having the whole family together and watching them all interact, the times alone with Luke are equally special. I love getting to know him and his heart. What makes him laugh and what makes him sad. I love hearing him open up. I love silently giggling at the cute things he says and hearing him struggle with English (and then trying to remember those things so I can tell John when he walks in the door). Things aren't always easy! So many things are new- for both of us! Mothering a boy who has never had a mother is an interesting transition. Sometimes I feel (very!)discouraged, but tomorrow is always a new day! To cut to the chase, I am madly in love with Luke and loving every moment of being a mom to 5 great kids!
Luke had no homework today so I (Jolee) decided it was time to show him "Granite", the place where we have a membership and regularly go to work out. From the minute we walked in, Luke was mesmerized by the place. He kept saying "WOW" and "Gosh". Also, "Can I come here, mom? Do I have to pay money everytime?" As we began our tour of the place, he rooted himself to the floor at each stop and wanted to stay there and do everything in that section. He had no idea that such places existed! First there was the illiptical machines, treadmills, stairmasters, and stationary bikes (all with their own TV's)! He just stopped and stared! I had to practically push him to continue the tour. Next were the weight machines and free weights...Oh my gosh!! Sheer JOY on his face to know that this was a place he could come to and work out so as to get big and strong. (He has mentioned several times that he wants a 6-pack. What 13 year old doesnt??) Again, he was rooted to the ground watching some of the men lifting weights. Then he had to try several machines himself. He loved it! Again, I had a hard time getting him to move on to the next part of the tour... the swimming pool and hot tub. When I opened the door and he entered the pool area, he immediately asked if he could "swimming right now." I said no because we did not have our swimsuits to which he replied that he could just swim in his underwear! To make a long story short, we ended up coming home, grabbing our suits and returning to the pool for a very FUN one and a half hour swimming extravaganza! It was an experience with Luke that I will never forget and treasure always.
Since this is my (Jolee) first time writing on the blog, I just want to add a few more comments. This month home with Luke has been amazing! Every afternoon I pick him up from school at about 12 and we come home! From home, while everyone else is still at school, we have Mom and Luke time! We play and then do some homeschooling! It is a great joy of my life getting to be a mom to my boy. The times I have with him are dear to my heart! Although I do love having the whole family together and watching them all interact, the times alone with Luke are equally special. I love getting to know him and his heart. What makes him laugh and what makes him sad. I love hearing him open up. I love silently giggling at the cute things he says and hearing him struggle with English (and then trying to remember those things so I can tell John when he walks in the door). Things aren't always easy! So many things are new- for both of us! Mothering a boy who has never had a mother is an interesting transition. Sometimes I feel (very!)discouraged, but tomorrow is always a new day! To cut to the chase, I am madly in love with Luke and loving every moment of being a mom to 5 great kids!